January 2013  
Would diminishing global uncertainties help lift the pace of recovery?
TIER adjusted 2013 growth forecast upward slightly
A major part of the US fiscal cliff issue has been resolved, albeit the debt ceiling negotiation and decision are further postponed till May 2013. As government of the world’s largest economy, the Obama administration did find a way to ease the market tension with the “kicking the can” gimmick. As for the Euro zone, the sovereign bond yield rates of economies in trouble have dropped recently, indicating the downside risk lessened to a certain level. In the mean time, Japan’s new prime minister, Abe Shinzo and his cabinet are pushing forward stimulus packages and extremely loose monetary operations. In addition, China turned the tables around with better Q4 economic readings in 2012 and stopped a much worried hard landing from happening. Adding these all up, it seems that the global uncertainties are not so insecure for the time being. We hope that the diminishing global uncertainties can eventually help pick up the pace of recovery. Most importantly, the improving external conditions could add optimism to the Taiwanese business and economic outlook.
Despite a tremendous boost in export orders, performance in the Taiwanese external sectors in December was in a better shape by comparison. The exports in December accounted as a total value of US$ 26.10 billion that would be 4.87% more compared with November and also a 9.0% increase year-on-year.
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Taiwan manufacturing sector ranked 6th in global competitiveness ranking
Taiwan's manufacturing sector ranked sixth in a 2013 global competitiveness ranking but is expected to fall to seventh by 2018 because of the rise of Brazil, leading professional services firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited said.

The National Communications Commission (NCC) announced the impending release 4G licenses to mobile broadband operators in October or November this year
Taiwan jumped up 10 places to the 16th in Best Countries for Business ranking announced by Forbes magazine
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
The strategies for current finance and economic reforms
Ways to break bottlenecks of high unemployment and low salary
The cyclical unemployment caused by economic recession is one of factors to rise unemployment in many countries as well as in Taiwan. The government has to get rid of traditional thought of stimulating economic growth to increase job opportunities while it considers to improve its labour market and to solve the structural problems in order to break bottlenecks since the correlation between Taiwan economic growth and unemployment rates is not such significant as before
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