Recent Publications
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
Taiwan's Strategic Blueprint for a New Digital Society
Over the past 30 years, Taiwan's economic development and mastery of electronic technologies have established internationally competitive industrial chains. A "New Digital Society" is one of the government's development visions. In the digital age, "data" is the key element, and "software" is also very important. Whether Taiwan can grasp digital technology trends, accumulate data, and develop innovative software will be a crucial issue for industrial transformation and upgrading. Building on Taiwan's advanced hardware foundation, the government and businesses share the goal of combining AI, 5G, and the information and communications industry to maintain a leading international technological position. This month's featured articles will explore the legal foundation and talent development for Taiwan's digital advancement. It will also delve into the key digital transformation factors for the government, industry, and social organizations. By referring to international benchmarks, it will highlight the critical points for Taiwan to realize a "New Digital Society."