December 2020  
Uncertainties betide European economy with new variant of virus
TIER's manufacturing composite indicator continues promising signal
A new variant of COVID-19 has found in Europe and intrigue its tepid hope of economic recovery. Major forecasting centers in the world has revised their forecast of European economic growths for 2020 and 2021 downward in response to said uncertainty. By comparison, other major economies, such as the US, Japan, and China; their businesses have mostly been gradually recuperating. Nevertheless, the composite indicator of manufacturing issued by the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) signal optimism in November. ...Read more
Resolutions hope for Taiwan trade pact under Biden
Lawmakers in the US Senate and House of Representatives in December introduced companion resolutions calling on US president-elect Joe Biden to enter a free-trade agreement with Taiwan — a move welcomed by Taipei. (Source: Taipei Times)

Enhancing trade linkages despite the pandemic (Source: MOEA)
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
The new waves of 5G and OTT
The Sustainable Development Goals : Case studies in 5G
Under the United Nations’ SDGs framework, this article mainly discusses how to establish a measurement method of potential economic and social value through the integration of the 5G ecological cycle system across vertical industrial application fields
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