June 2021  
Lifting lockdowns in advanced economies; trade-off between virtuous cycle and vicious cycle
Current state of Taiwan's economy: warm on the outside and cold on the inside
Different types of variant virus are causing impacts on the UK, Japan, and many other economies including countries having rather high vaccination rate, namely, advanced economies. Lifting lockdowns have indeed picked up market demands and helped expedite processes of recovery. However, it is still uncertain whether easing the containment measures may result in a virtuous or vicious cycle. It is certain that the global demand is strong for the time being, whereas it is strong enough to kindle Taiwan's export engine. The government's 3rd level alert measure has hindered the growth of internal demand in spite of the growing external demand. “Warm on the outside and cold on the inside” would be an epitome of the state of Taiwan's economy. ...Read more
China Airlines to be back on track soon after pilots cleared protocols
Taiwan-based China Airlines (CAL) could see its flight schedule return to normal in the near future after all of its pilots have been put in the "safe" COVID-19 category, meaning they can work a regular schedule again after being sidelined by a cluster infection. (Source: CNA)

Amendments to the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals Approved by the Legislative Yuan (Source: National Development Council)
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
Business Trend and Strategies at the Post Covid-19 Era
Future Business Models Triggered by the Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused serious economic impacts on retails and other services; however, it has also triggered certain new business models with diverse opportunities, such as e-commerce, online shopping with zero contact style. Real-life examples like Walmart, 7-11 and many others are striving to go online and explore the potential business opportunities.
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