August 2012  
Has the Economy Hit the Trough Already?
TIER Business Outlook Offered Slim Hope for Potential Rebound
Facing global headwinds, the Taiwan economy acutely suffered from dwindling external trade, lessening investment, weakening production, and shrinking consumption during the first half of 2012. The never ending European sovereign debt crisis, sluggish recovery of the US economy, and losing growth momentum of emerging markets including China, India and Brazil have been further complicating the ambiguous global surroundings. However, the Taiwan economy might have already hit the trough as the global conditions did not deteriorate further in July. It is therefore highly anticipated that an outright turning point is forthcoming.
As many keeping their fingers crossed for impending and unsure rebound, economic readings in July appeared as extremely unattractive. Regarding foreign trade, Taiwan’s exports dropped by 11.6% in July Year-on-Year despite an increase of 2.0% Month-on-Month. The imports also declined by 3.2% in July compared with the same month of last year in spite of a climb by 9.9% over June. The exports of ICT products shrank by 34.5% in July Year-on-Year would be the major attribute causing the setback in exports. A tepid surplus of USD 0.91 billion in July was derived from the exports of USD 24.85 billion and imports of USD 23.94 billion. The cumulative surplus from January 1 till July 31, 2012 stood at USD 12.11 billion, which would be 10.3% less compared with the same period of 2011.
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The Cabinet presented further economic stimulation plan in late September
The Cabinet is expected to present a detailed economic stimulus package by late September to improve the struggling economy. The stimulus package of short-, medium-, and long-term measures will be initiated after a series of five meetings between the Cabinet officials and business representatives on current economic issues, said the Cabinet spokesman Hu Yu-Wei. Meetings already held between the Cabinet and business representatives are in the fields of international trade, energy policy, and banking and financial services.

CEPD: Economy remains weak for the 9th consecutive month
The Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) announced that Taiwan's economy remained sluggish for the 9th consecutive month in July. Historically, Taiwan's economy showed similarily weak conditions for 15 months following the bursting of the Internet bubble, whereas the second oil crisis, the global financial crisis and the current European sovereign debt all caused the weak economic conditions for up to nine months.

The Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) deregulated to open more job opportunities to the Chinese and foreign students who graduate from Taiwan’s universities
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
Challenges and opportunities facing energy smart communities
Outlook of international sustainable city developments
Energy is a scarce resource, and the Governments in the world have begun to realise the importance of enery recycle by moving towards to the sustainable cities as a target. Every country has a common target which is to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions, and to improve enery efficiencies and recycled energy usages, despite of their different natures and diverse policies.
Promotion of Taiwan's low carbon communities and energy smart communities
Due to the threats of global climate change and energy shortages, the Governments set energy security upgrades, economic growth stimulus, carbon emission reduction, and sustainable developments as their main targets. This article illustrated Taiwan's low carbon community development as well as introduced energy smart policy promotion, and stressed how to fulfill the goal of sustainable developments.
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