February 2016  
Potential black swans hinder global economic recovery
Woe betides; TIER business composite indices signal outlook pessimism
he global economic pessimism in 2015 has extended to the beginning of 2016; more “black swans” have emerged and caused further uncertainties. Does woe betide? No one knows for sure for the time being. Major economies including the US, Euro zone, Japan, and China all experienced slowing growth in Q4 last year. As major economies have been losing steams, economists are now even more uncertain about the outlook of this year. The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research issued its business composite indices recorded in January 2016 and found that manufacturing and construction indices signaled continued pessimism.
Taiwan's exports in January 2016 decreased by 12.97% compared with the same month last year. The decline in exports would be a 12-month consecutive y-o-y drop.
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Industrial production falls for nine straight months, says MOEA
In the midst of a slow economy, industrial production in January fell for the ninth consecutive month to 5.65 percent, the Economics Ministry reported on Friday. Inventory demand before the Chinese New Year decreased on the back of stagnant growth and falling oil prices, the ministry said in a report. The electronic parts and components sector slipped 7.46 percent as sales of consumer gadgets withered, cutting down the production of panels and integrated circuits, among others. The chemical material sector dipped 1.58 percent largely due to low crude prices. Base metal output retreated 6.89 percent also because of low steel prices and oversupply. (Source: The China Post)

Program Opens to Short-term Purchase: Concerts, Exhibitions Can Use Green Power (Source: MOEA)
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
Early business trend and opportunities decoded by big data
E-commerce platform: Big data applications
E-commerce platform has a number of basic information about the sellers and the buyers, and the transaction information as well as the feature of a lot of data analysis. Its multivariate data analysis techniques improve the assessment of credit risk. Generating a huge amount of data can improve the consumer shopping experience, enhance marketing and shorten the path to purchase; it also helps sellers reach production forecasting and reduce the risk of excess stocks. Accordingly, this article introduces the "personalized recommendations", "C2B" and "electricity supplier finance" featuring the cases of Rakuten, Jingdong Mall, and Alibaba.
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