December 2016  
Steady global conditions fuel the engines of recovery
TIER composite indicators present rather optimistic signs for the near future
World major economies' economic performances of the 3rd quarter this year have been released one after the other in October 2016. Almost all of them have outperformed the 1st and 2nd quarter meaning the global economic conditions are on the rather steady track. Hopefully, such a momentum can help pave the way for engines of global recovery. As the Taiwanese economy and the state of world business environments were highly correlated, the composite indicators issued by the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) in October 2016 also present rather optimistic signs for the near future.
Taiwan's exports in October 2016 increased by 9.40% compared with the same month last year. Regarding imports, Taiwan's imports in October increased by 19.55% compared with imports in October 2015, and the ratio of increase has been the highest since January 2013. From January 1 to October 31 this year, Taiwan's exports and imports gave a trade surplus of US$ 40.33 billion or a decrease by 3.59% on a y-o-y basis.
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table economic growth continues in November
Taiwan's economy continued to show signs of stable growth in November, with monitoring indicators flashing a green light for the fifth consecutive month, according to a report released by the National Development Council (NDC) on Tuesday. Overall, the score of the composite monitoring indicator increased by two points from a month earlier to 26 in November. The green light was bolstered by gains in exports and manufacturing production, two of the nine indicators that make up the monitoring indicators. The other seven indicators, including retail sales, employment and machinery imports, remained unchanged from the previous month. The NDC uses a five-color system to gauge the country's economic situation, with blue indicating recession, yellow-blue representing sluggishness, green denoting stable growth, yellow-red signifying a warming economy, and red pointing to overheating. (Source: The China post)

aiwan-Israel Innovative Start-ups & Smart IoT Forum held at MOEA (Source: MOEA)
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
Culture development and sustainability: concepts, policies, and industries
Following the inauguration of the Ministry of Culture, Cheng Li-Chiun immediately submitted to the Executive Yuan the establishment of a cultural conference, in addition to actively coordinating the inter-ministerial meeting, the cultural preservation and revitalization of the content industry, and proceeded to plan cultural and economic development and sustainable future blueprint. Under the leadership of the Minister, Taiwan's culture can become a category, with penetrating power, through the Minister Cheng’s policy implementation steps and planning, and promote Taiwan to be a cultural giant in the world.
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