April 2021  
The global economy is on the rebound incessantly
Taiwan enjoys robust grow in exports owing to recuperating global demand
The global economy is still on the rebound uninterruptedly, despite the fact that many countries are still suffering from and striving to cope with the COVID-19. As a result, Taiwan's exports in goods performed strong in March 2021 thanks to the recovering global demand. ...Read more
Rain delivers 16m tonnes of water to reservoirs: WRA
A weather system from southern China has over the past three days replenished Taiwan’s reservoirs with almost 16 million tonnes of water, giving Taiwan a slight relief from a water shortage, the Water Resources Agency (WRA) said in April. (Source: Taipei Times)

Taiwan and Malaysia celebrate the closure of the Training Program on Key Marketing Skills for Digital Trade (Source: MOEA)
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
Review and prospects of Taiwan's 30th anniversary of participating in APEC
Review and evaluation of Taiwan’s 30-year active participation in APEC
 Over the past 30 years, the regional economic pattern has undergone tremendous changes, and the rise of emerging technologies has promoted the rapid transformation of business operations and manufacturing models. As a key member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Taiwan has not only promoted economic and trade facilitation and liberalization with a multi-faceted Individual Action Plan (IAP), but also implemented a number of Collective Action Plans in the APEC region, creating a more favorable capacity-building environment for the region.
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