September 2013  
QE remains, uncertainty subsides
TIER business survey results as steady as they can be
When to end or reduce the scale of QE has been an issue providing the most uncertain factor to the global economic recovery. As Fed announced in September that QE would remain for the time being, uncertainty subsides temporarily. Among world major economies, the US and Japan have both continued to improve their growth momentums. In addition, China has managed to get away from a potential hard landing. With more steady global conditions, exports of Taiwan have increased in recent times. However, the situation of Europe is still unclear, and new ICT products currently introduced to markets are not as popular as expected. TIER business survey results in August provided somewhat mixed signals. The manufacturing Composite Indicator climbed up a little, whereas the Service and Construction Sector Composite Indicators both went down slightly. ...Read more
MOEA: 0.7 percent dropped in the industrial production index
The industrial production index registered at 103.67 in August, which was equivalent to a 0.7-percent drop year-on-year, according to a report released yesterday by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). (Source: The China Post)

The virtual offshore concept adopted for financial businesses in Taiwan’s free economic pilot zones said by The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) (Source: CEPD)
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
The potential of reducing greenhouse gas in Taiwan’s power and industrial sectors
The objectives of Taiwan's low-carbon economy and sustainable development are: the emission levels of greenhouse gas reduced back to the year of 2005 level in 2020, to the year of 2000 level in 2025; Improving the energy efficiency to 2% or over annually
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