May 2021  
World demand remains strong; uncertainties may arise
Taiwan’s economy stays solid on account of improving global demand
Despite the fact that the COVID-19confirmed cases around the world have been increasing; further uncertainties may arise, the world demand is still strong. As a result, Taiwan’s exports in goods performed strong in April 2021 thanks to the improving global demand. However, more cautious measures may be needed to maintain the growth momentum. ...Read more
AIT official says US welcomes TSMC, security no concern
The US welcomes investment by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC), which would improve Taiwan-US strategic relations without affecting Taiwan’s security, a preview of an interview with American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Deputy Director Raymond Greene showed in May. (Source: Taipei Times)

Summary of the 7th Taiwan-Estonia Economic Cooperation Videoconference (Source: MOEA)
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
International energy development and opportunity for Taiwan to join post the pandemic
Global geopolitical development and the trend of energy governance reform
In the field of traditional energy, the power of geopolitics far exceeds global governance. Energy producing countries have also conflicted with other countries due to geopolitical reasons, resulting in a reduction in energy supply. Many countries have proposed new green policies and set carbon neutral goals post the pandemic. This article outlines the energy transition and geopolitics, recent geopolitical risks, and challenges in global energy governance.
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