November 2016  
Steady global conditions fuel the engines of recovery
TIER composite indicators present rather optimistic signs for the near future
World major economies' economic performances of the 3rd quarter this year had been released one after the other in October 2016. Almost all of them have outperformed the 1st and 2nd quarter meaning the global economic conditions were on the rather steady track. Hopefully, such a momentum can help pave the way for engines of global recovery. As the Taiwanese economy and the state of world business environments were highly correlated, the composite indicators issued by the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) in October 2016 also presented rather optimistic signs for the near future.
Taiwan's exports in October 2016 increased by 9.40% compared with the same month last year.
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Taiwan slips to 24th in IMD World Talent Ranking
Taiwan fell one place in the annual International Institute for Management and Development (IMD) World Talent Ranking for 2016, moving from 23rd place last year to 24th, but remaining fourth in Asia. Published Tuesday, the report assessed the ability of 61 economies to develop, attract and retain talent for enterprises operating in those economies. The ranking is based on three factors: investment and development of home-grown talent; appeal — the ability of the country to tap into the overseas talent pool; and readiness — the availability of skills and competencies in the talent pool. In the three main categories, Taiwan fell 10 notches to 28th place in the area of investment and development, the report said. Taiwan remains No. 26 in the area of appeal, but slipped one place from last year to No. 26 in the category of readiness, it added. In Asia, Taiwan is behind only Hong Kong (10th), Singapore (15th) and Malaysia (19th). Japan was ranked 30th, followed by Thailand (37th), South Korea (38th) and China (43rd). (Source: The China Post)

Taiwan, U.S. to cooperate on empowering women through APEC fund (Source: MOEA)
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
What's next- the trend and opportunities of future early investment
Angel investment development measures in venture
This article suggests that the government should adopt environment enhancement measure in the short term by referring the concept of subsidizing Korean angels’ invested corporate R&D funds as well as referring to Singapore’s business investment risk-sharing approach in the medium and long-term in order to improve Taiwan’s early investment ecological system.
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