July 2020  
World demand rebound with respect to uncertainties
ALL three TIER's composite indicators rise for recovery
The world demand has recovered somewhat as the United States and European economies have started to reopen and restart their economic activities after weeks of lockdown; however, uncertainties betide due to increasing confirmed infected cases. Despite of remaining uncertainties, the recovery of global demand for the time being has indeed helped pick up all three composite indicators issued by the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) once again. The manufacturing, service and construction composite indicators all went up in June.
Taiwan's exports in June 2020 decreased by 3.83% compared with the same month of 2019 in spite of a strong market demand for ICT parts and components with respect to higher base effect. Regarding imports, Taiwan's imports in June 2020 decreased by 8.59% compared with imports in June of 2019 due to the continuously dipping prices of raw materials.
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Cabinet planning NT$13bn for tourism aid
The government is allocating more than NT$13 billion (US$439.4 million) to bail out tourism companies that continue to struggle despite strong promotional measures for domestic tours, Minister of Transportation and Communications Lin Chia-lung said in July. Life Travel and Tourist Service Co, after operating for more than 30 years, on Wednesday said that it had to lay off 100 employees after its business declined by 90 percent in May because of the restrictions on international travel, a key revenue driver. (Source: Taipei Times)

Striving for new epidemic prevention business opportunities. The Export Processing Zone Administration (EPZA) supports Kaohsiung Software Park (KSP) enterprises to strive for smart health-care business opportunities. (Source: MOEA)
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
Trend and challenges face Taiwan's new agricultural technology development
Integrating technology with agriculture- Japan's smart agriculture development
The promotion of smart agriculture requires the support from the government policies and agriculture industry, as well as the coordination with related industries and time consumption, to see the outcomes gradually. In recent years, Japan has integrated ICT, IoT into agricultural operations through the promotion of smart agriculture to help the industry towards labour saving, burden reduction, human resource assurance. This article will cover Japan definition of smart agriculture and best practices of promotion the smart agriculture which could be the reference for developing smart agriculture in Taiwan.
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