March 2013  
Mixed global conditions added uncertainties to economic outlook
TIER survey indicated dreary domestic business conditions due to seasonal distortion
Mixed global economic conditions have added uncertainties to future business outlook. The US sequestration caused certain impacts especially on several states relevant to central budget; however the impacts on the overall economic performance seemed somewhat insignificant as the stock indicators rising to a recent high. As a new deal has reached between the Cyprian government and troika representatives, Cyprus will mostly likely to acquire the much needed bailout fund, and the new chapter of Euro crisis would be temporarily resolved. China has been coping with inflation; containing housing bubbles with severe measures may contain growth momentum. Japan’s Abenomics has not yet picked up its competitiveness in exports; weaker Japanese yen making imported energy even more expensive, and Japan has been suffering from 8-consecutive-month trade deficits. With the mixed global economic conditions plus seasonal distortions with respect to lunar New Year, the most recent survey conducted by the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) showed a somewhat dreary business outlook in the short run.
As the lunar New Year was in February of 2013, seasonal distortions were in effect. The January-February exports grew by 2.00% and imports increased by 6.97% on a year-on-year basis. As the Taiwanese government has been pushing forward policies to promote investment, imports of machinery equipments increased notably in the first two months of 2013. The January-February trade surplus stood at USD 2.39 billion, which would be 58.98 less compared with the surplus during the same period in 2012.

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Taiwan and NZ making great trading pact progress: NZ envoy
Taiwan and New Zealand are making great progress in their negotiations over a bilateral economic cooperation agreement, according to New Zealand's envoy to Taiwan. “We're making very good progress and it's going to be a good deal,” Stephen Payton, Director of the New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office in Taipei, said from a phone interview.Describing the agreement as an important development in bilateral ties, Payton said the Taiwan-New Zealand Economic Cooperation Agreement (ECA) will be “high-quality, comprehensive and a very good agreement for both sides.”

The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) revised the order of the “interpretation regarding proprietary and consignment trading of foreign securities by securities brokers” for Taiwanese securities brokers to trade securities in the Chinese market
Taiwan’s new foreign-exchange settlement platform began operating in March
Taiwan Economic Research Monthly
Agricultural industrialisation development: Open innovation and social enterprise
ZESPRI: A successful case of marketing New Zealand kiwifruit to an international brand
ZESPRI’s shareholders include more than 2,700 New Zealand local kiwifruit growers, but ZESPRI is actually operated by a professional marketing team. The New Zealand kiwifruit industry was not successful from the very beginning by looking at its history. The way ZESPRI successfully promote its products to over 60 countries is worth Taiwan’s agricultural industry to refer to, especially in integrating production and sale lines.
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