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Expertise & Research Interests

Information analysis, Knowledge Management, Performance Evaluation, Technology Management, Wireless Industry analysis, Meeting & Exhibition Industry analysis


‧Developing a Leading Edge and Operations Strategies(2009), MIT Sloan school of Management, Cambridge MI, USA
‧GE Taiwan Executive Program(2008), Milwaukee MI, USA
‧Management Development Program for Senior Managers(1997), U.C. Berkeley, CA, USA
‧M.S.(1985) in Computer Science, College of William and Mary in Virginia, USA
‧B.S.(1979) in Industry Engineering, Chung Yuan University, Taiwan


Vice President(2020--)
Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER);

Director (2022~ )
Dept. of Agriculture Development and Bio-tech Economy, TIER;

Deputy CEO (2022~ )
Center of ESG development for SME, TIER;

Management Director, (2021~ )
Board Member, Taiwan Power company;

Director (1997--2020); Deputy Director (1995--1997)
Dept. of Industrial Development,

Director (1998--2021)
Taiwan Industry & Enterprise Database Department, TIER;

Research Fellow (2003- )
Associate (1996--2003) Research Fellow
Assistant (1988--1996) Research Fellow
Information Services Department, TIER;

Chief Librarian (1991--1997)
Information Services Department, TIER;

Industrial Engineer (1979--1981)
Industrial Engineering Department,
Admiral Overseas Corp. Taiwan


Professional Qualifications & Awards

Wireless Technology Promotion Project
TDP Performance Evaluation Project
Industrial Technology White Book Project
Industry Technology Information Services Project
Next Generation Wireless Technology Promotion Project
Ban-Chiao Telecommunication Park Planning Project
Lung-Yuan Wireless Telecommunication Park Planning Project
Stocktake of Progress Toward the Key Elements of a Fully Liberalized Telecommunications Sector in the APEC Region
To Promote the Agriculture Biotechnology Industry Information and Technology Development Program
The Promotion office program for Wireless Communication Industry
The Promotion office program for Taiwan's MICE industry


English, Chinese, Taiwanese


APIAA Fellow, Asia Pacific Industrial Analysis Association(APIAA);
Secretary-General, Wireless & Information Technology (WIT) Communication Leaders United Board;
Managing Director of Board, Taiwan Power company;
President, ChungYuan Yaoma Fundation;
Auditor, Taiwan Kong King corporate:
Trustee, Asia Pacific Industry Analysis Association;
Chairman, Alumni organization of Industry Engineering Department, Chung Yung University

Recent Publications and Projects

The strategy and achievement of the promoting Taiwan MICE industry by MOEA, Taiwan Economic Monthly, 2008.1.
To execute the public sector’s performance management – from the states’ experience to review Taiwan’s process, Taiwan Economic Monthly, 2006.1.
2005 is the key year for the 3G to deployment. Taiwan Economic Monthly, 2005.1.
From the global market to estimate the schedule for the China’s 3G licence, Taiwan Economic Monthly, 2005.11.
How to efficiently execute the performance management for the government department, Taiwan Economic Monthly, 2006.1.
By using the information of industry analysis and technology development to do your business? , The communication Monthly, 2003.7.
The mechanism of the R&D organization’s performance evaluation in Taiwan, Taiwan Economic Monthly, 2002.11
The 3G industrial development status and outlook, Taiwan Economic Monthly, 2002.11
3G CLUB- the organization which could upgrade Taiwan’s 3G industry, Taiwan Economic Monthly, 2002.11
The current status of the R&D organization’s performance evaluation, the performance evaluation conference, 2002.6
The outlook of Taiwan’s economy in 2002, Electrical Information Magazine, 2002.1
The R&D status of Taiwan’s industries, The industrial Technology White Book, 1994-2000
The introduction of TIER’s industry and enterprise database, Taiwan Economic Monthly, 1999.1
The efficient method of doing the project evaluation, Taiwan Economic Monthly, 1998.11
How to do the industry analysis and market forecast work, Taiwan Economic Monthly, 1998.1
How to Read and justify the business cycle indicators, Taiwan Economic Monthly,1997.02
The introduction of Liu-Ta-Chung Memorial Library, Taiwan Economic Monthly,1996.09
The analysis of Taiwan's numeric database,1989.06
The proposed report of industrial technology information services from the government,1988.06
The proposed report of establishing the database of MOEA's Technology Development Program,1988.06